Thursday, April 4, 2013

Don't worry be happy

By Danny Moss

This weekend choose a day and try to forget all your worries and just relax. Do something for yourself, something that will ease your stress and will allow you to focus on the good side of life. As school is ending shortly our stress level is starting to build up. The best medicine for us is to take a full day and spend it on ourselves. Even the small things such as going out and grabbing a coffee, playing guitar, or going on a nice bike ride can ease your stress. You can also find that when studying for a long, hard exam its best to take a short break and clear your mind. Doing so will allow you to rejuvenate and to relax, which is a good method that I use when studying. So forget you worries and struggles this weekend and enjoy life’s pleasures by allowing yourself to live.

Some ways to enjoy life!!
-Try to forget your worries
-Help others, will help you feel better
-Make goals everyday
-Never forget the good times in life!!

I want to shift your attention to a site that has really inspired me. Take a look and hopefully you can be inspired too!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Fear of Public Speaking

If your fear for public speaking is greater than your fear of dieing than your not alone. In 2012, more people selected being afraid of public speaking over their own deaths.

When you have a fear of public speaking you can cause a lot of harm to yourself inadvertently, especially in your career or in school. In your career if you cant speak well publicly or give a proper presentation you could go unnoticed, get worked up over your fear and leave out vital parts of your presentation. In school you can very easily get a bad grade on a great assignment because you made simple mistakes even if you studied, practiced and know the material well, just because of your fear of public speaking.

How do you break your fear? It is hard for you to break fear, but the most effective way to fight fear is for you just find ways to cope with it and eventually your coping method becomes second nature and than you overcome your fear. As Homer Simpson would say "picture the crowed in their underwear", but its really not always that simple, but here is some ideas to help make it easier.
  • Know your material and study it
  • Hold your hands together or on your side  and do not move around constantly (just don't play with your fingers or swing around)
  • Practice each slide or idea you want to present until you get a sense of how you want it to sound
  • Always remember when you do a presentation or speak publicly use this format: tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, than remind them of what you told them.
  • Know your audience, make sure you present in a way that is effective to your audience
  • When giving examples of size or distance put it in terms you can measure. For instance: 200,000 people like chocolate out of 400,000, that would mean that in this room every second person likes chocolate.
Legendary speaker Steve Jobs gives some tips

Watch the video and remember what you read today and I promise you will you will begin to improve your skills and in-turn you will start to get over the fear because you will realize your are much better at public speaking than you thought.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Doing Things for Others

Sometimes the best way to help yourself is simply helping others. Even if you cant give money you can do things to help others which will leave an ever lasting impression on that person and also it is rewarding for you in karma and the feeling you get knowing you truly helped someone.

An Inspiring Story - how you can help others

As you can see the impact of helping others has gone unnoticed. When you give to someone you are doing more than just helping someone out, the impression you leave that person is strong and powerful, you can inspire that person to help someone else, and so on, or you can simply do something small that can change someones mood, day or life.

As you can see the person man who fixed the car has gotten a ton of support, media attention and publicity for his business (which wont always happen). This is an example of how you can be rewarded, but most of the time you will know inside your head and heart you did the right thing, or something unforgettable and the impact can go far beyond the result of your gift.

Heres another inspiring video

Giving your time to others can make a huge change in other peoples life. Volunteering or throwing fundraisers / food drives between your friends, families and co-workers is something you can feel great about and can go very far with putting very little in to it.

Try to give something to someone every week whether it is a smile, compliment, a can of pop, lunch, a dollar to a homeless person, or something like giving your time to a soup kitchen, your deeds do not go unnoticed, you will feel good about yourself and most importantly you will help other people who need a helping hand during a certain circumstance in their life.

Happy Easter!! Best Way to Spend Your Holidays!

By: Fraser M.

As Easter passes and spring starts to come in a great way to lift your spirits is spending the holidays with your family and friends. When you are feeling blue or just alone or anxoius, spending time with your family and friends is the perfect cure. If you cant see your family, try to phone, email write them whatever you can because it always feels good speaking with your family no matter the circumstances.

When you get time to spend with your family you remind yourself of what is important and who is important to you, which in some cases can be motivating or heart warming because family are the only people who will always be there with you until the end.

If you are unable to see your family the holidays, than not to worry because your close friends are the family you get to pick. If you saw your family you should still take the time to see your friends. Take some time to organize an outing or be involved in a friends outing because spending time with your friends is important as well, not to mention you will have a good time and can remember about the people closest to you and forget about your problems.

The most important part of the holidays is friends and family, especially on a holiday like Easter.

Happy Easter everyone and spend time with your family.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Staying Motivated

It is very important to keep yourself motivated.

It is tough to stay motivated when you are down and out, whether it is in the workforce, around the house, in relationship, loosing weight or getting up in the morning. When I face a lack of motivation I tend to remissness on why I am not motivated and remind myself what I am doing what I am doing for. Here are a few tips that will help you stay motivated.

1. Set goals and timelines. When you can measure your progress it makes motivating yourself a lot easier. Set deadlines and try to achieve your overall goal a section at a time.

2. Remembering WHY. When you have visual, verbal or mental reminders on why you are doing what you are doing it will motivate you to be successful. I personally use pictures of my family to remind myself why I take school as important. as I do because, for me I want to  be successful so I have the ability to take care of my family, have a good life and do something I enjoy. My motivation is my family and when I get down I remember and reflect on why I do what I do, and what the end result of my hard work and struggles will give me in the long run.

3. Reflect on yourself. When you take the time to reflect on your past and present you can see what is different in your life and think of how you feel about your life now apposed to than. If you have changed parts of your life and are living a better life but are till feeling down or lack of motivation, think about where you were 1, 2 or 3 years ago and than think of where you are today, why life is better or worse and remind yourself that you are benefiting from your current changes in life. If you are not happy with your life than use the reminder as a a way to remind yourself what life was before you lost your way.

When you are struggling to keep yourself motivated try to use these tips to help you keep yourself on track and stay above water mentally. Dont EVER give up and always remember you always GET WHAT YOU GIVE, in everything in life.

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Be Inspired!

As a growing society, life takes us in many strange directions. We often forget to stop and realize that we are better off than what we think. In my younger days I too took every life benefit for granted. I would wake up in the morning, open my eyes, stretch, and then jump out of bed and smell the fresh smell of bacon and toast laid out on the kitchen table.  Throughout my life I enjoyed the little things in life but never appreciated them, as many do, and had huge dreams of becoming a rock star or hockey player for the Montreal Canadians. Like most dreams kids have, reality kicked in and I soon realized that my skills in those traits don’t exist. As a teenager my focus was on everything except school. Through my eyes school was only a liability and my lackadaisical work efforts sent me straight to the work place instead of going to college.

At the age of nineteen my life turned upside down. This was one of the scariest moments of my life. I can only remember glimpses of that horrific day but all I can remember was working at Canadian Tire, my shift was almost complete and I volunteered to help stock some merchandise with my fellow co-worker. Suddenly I became dizzy, disoriented, and lost my speech- I passed out. When I woke paramedics were staring in my face- I just had my first seizure. I soon found out that I had been diagnosed with an AVM ( in the left side of my brain. I went through a hefty process of doctor appointments to figure the best method to cure this malformation. We determined that radiation would be the most effective, efficient, and safest procedure to take- I had radiation treatment months later. I was on the verge of recovery (at least what I thought). In December I finally smartened up and started to upgrade my Math and English skills. I quit work and pursued my education.  A year after I soon enrolled in two courses, math grade 10 and English grade 12. I was finally back on the road until disaster struck again. A month left into my studies I became very sick and had to drop out due to another seizure. In the span of four months my brain had swollen, had multiple seizures, my immune system failed and I lost the functions of my right side of my body including speech I mean my entire speech- have you seen the movie ‘the king’s speech”? I was in pretty bad shape.  A few months later the swelling started to decrease and yet again I was recovering. Later on my enrolled into a correspondent program and finished up my upgrading.

From my experiences of life it changed my perspective on what’s important and what’s irrelevant. I have not only witnessed the good but also the bad. I have seen patients at the hospital with “real” issues such as not being able to breathe without support or not fully understanding who or where they are. Life has many benefits and values starting from tying your shoes or communicating with friends. It’s when we really start to appreciate the little things in life in which we really feel blessed. I ask what piece of the pie would you prefer? 

Guys check out this inspirational video I found. Being Inspired can heal emotions.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

5 Steps To Overcome Depression

Depression hits everyone at least once in their lifetime.  This mental illness is very common for teens; it can result in mood changes and daily activities. Suffering through this illness may be hard to overcome and while experiencing depression you may start to feel over whelmed and a lone.  Here’s some ways to help overcome and avoid depression.

1.)    Never ignore your problem- Seeking fast help will stop your problem quicker and be easier to overcome. The longer you set your difficulties aside the harder it becomes to deal with.

2.)    Find the right guidance- Teens often resort to the wrong resources when trying to deal with their situation. Teens generally feel embarrassed to talk to parents or those that can guide them in the right direction for healing.  The internet can be helpful, but be careful many people can be unfriendly.

3.)    You’re not alone- Everybody has gone through difficulties through their lives. Understand that depression can go away if treated right.

4.)    Bond with each other- The best way to deal with depression is coping with others in need. You will learn a lot from others. Again make sure you know who you’re talking to, people can be mean.

5.)    Ask questions- Asking the right questions help you to open up and feel better. When the speaker gets questions asked he/she knows that you are interested in learning, resulting in a better conversation.

I hope these five steps helps.  We are all here for each other so please comment or add your tips on overcoming depression. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

We are there for you!

young people in it together
As the population grows so does mental illnesses . Teenagers around the world are faced with depression and other mental illnesses everyday. This blog is to help those in need with inspirational stories along with guidance to make sure you make the right choices in the future. We are in it together! I would love to hear your story's too so email me if you wish. We as a society need to get stronger and the way we can involve is learning from others mishaps or successes. I would like to keep this blog as open as possible and share ideas in how to improve life's struggles. I too have tackled my own ups and downs as a teenager and I'm just trying to ease any difficulties you may deal with. I will cover many issues that I feel is important to teenagers today, If you have an problems you are dealing with, I'm happy to assist you so please drop me a message!